Subreddit: r/SmallBusiness
User: u/Moneybucks12381
Original Post:
How do you sell popcorn online?
Doesn’t it spoil?
My Response:
Food scientist here.
The four main ways that popcorn can expire are:
1.) Rancidity
2.) Water Migration
3.) Flavor Loss/Staling
4.) Texture Loss
Since popcorn contains a high concentration of oils and butter, rancidity is the most likely cause for unacceptable consumer defects. This is typically mitigated by enclosing the popcorn in packaging that has zero oxygen permeability, limiting the reaction of the fats with oxygen in the air. The oils are also typically combined with tocopherols as preservatives at 25 to 100 ppm, which are derivatives of Vitamin E, that preferentially react to oxygen instead of the oils.
Water migration is limited by using packaging that has zero or very low moisture permeability. Popcorn that contains higher levels of salt and/or sugars are going to be more prone to absorbing moisture from the air, so this is an essential property of the packaging.
Flavor loss and staling are similar processes to rancidity, in that partially flavors can be destroyed or product off-flavors by reaction with oxygen. But they can also be damaged by ultraviolet light, moisture, and microorganisms. Luckily, since popcorn has such low moisture content, the last two are not likely to occur. Packaging will need to have an aluminum foil inner layer to prevent ambient light from damaging the product over its shelf life.
Texture loss occurs when the popcorn starches either absorb moisture or go through a process known as retrogradation, in which the starches begin to crystallize and give an undesirable texture much like stale bread. Again, controlling water is a key design in the packaging to prevent this from occurring.
Regardless, most if not all of these issues have already addressed by the food industry, as we know that popcorn is already available for purchase through so many different channels; selling packaged popcorn through a retailer would have the same problems as selling online, so it’s not clear by this question what the spoilage issue would be that hasn’t already been figured out by food manufacturing companies.
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